Collector Corps, also known as Marvel Collector Corps, is a subscription box by Funko featuring exclusive Marvel collectibles, apparel, and accessories. The first box was released in April 2015 with the theme of Avengers: Age of Ultron and the final box available as a subscription through Funko was released in April 2018 with the theme being Avengers: Infinity War. Beginning in July 2018, Collector Corps boxes were offered by Amazon. The theme of the first Amazon box was Deadpool.
When Collector Corps was offered by Funko, boxes were released in February, April, June, August, October, and December around the middle of each month. With Amazon, boxes were released in January, March, May, July, September, and November around the end of the month. After the launch of Collector Corps, Funko started three other subscription box services: Smuggler's Bounty (Star Wars), Legion of Collectors (DC Comics), and Disney Treasures (Disney).